Thursday, April 29, 2004


Lost a tooth today.
Lost my compassion for Amma's pain. Now stonefaced in response to her spine surrendered grimace. Go on with my life as if hers is fine and dandy. Heart is frozen into a routine that some might call Life.
Lost time. Accosted the moon, but she knows not where it went, nor how to help me find it.
Lost direction. Turning in circles of karma and dharma that rhyme but don't reason.

No seriously. If tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, then today should dissolve with the rest of my ego. Instead it swells into the gaping hole in my gums where my wisdom once pretended to be.

Wonderful. How many words. How little me.
Sleep comes now. Life, follows?
I hope.

Day 27
Moon 23ish. It's more than a half, let's leave it at that.
Ambikaaliilaa long gone.


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